Photo Credit: Tyler Murgo
Hi Everyone,
In the face of this global health crisis we hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy. COVID-19 is impacting everyone and every business in a multitude of ways. Our hearts go out to those who are feeling the impacts the strongest such as our friends in the restaurant industry and small businesses. We also want to thank the health care workers who are putting themselves at risk to take care of others.
Some people have asked what will this mean for the seafood industry. The answer is the situation is unprecedented and so we don’t have all the answers. Fishermen already practice social distancing; they spend quite a bit of time in small groups on boats out at sea, away from most people. However, without stable markets to sell their catch to, they too are vulnerable and so are the seafood supply chain businesses whom they rely on. So far, we’ve seen seafood businesses taking a variety of approaches to best adapt to the current situation and its changing daily. Some businesses are temporarily closing, hoping to protect their staff and customers while limiting daily operating costs. Fishermen too are making the choice of whether it is worth it or not to go fishing. With many restaurants closed or reduced to only offering takeout, seafood businesses that sell to restaurants are also feeling the effects with some coming up with alternative ways to sell their products including selling direct to consumers and even offering home delivery. With foreign markets impacted, domestic and local sales as well as the ability to freeze products are becoming increasingly important to sustaining businesses. We’ve also seen local fishermen (with the appropriate permitting to do so) offering to sell their catch direct to their friends, families, and communities.
At Eating with the Ecosystem, our fifth anchor is Community. We often refer to it as “knowing your fisherman.” Community-based fisheries enhance the social, ecological, and cultural fabric of our coastal communities. While so much is unknown and unpredictable at the moment, one thing seems clear: we need to support each other. This means committing to social distancing, staying at home as much as possible, washing your hands, and listening to the CDC and health professionals. It also means helping out your neighbors, family, or friends who maybe can’t go out and buy food or are facing financial difficulties during this pandemic. But we also all still must eat and local seafood is a great way to support your community while enjoying a healthy diet. There are many seafood markets who are staying open at this time and employing extra safety measures including curb side delivery and pre orders and so don’t forget about them when thinking of places to buy food. Further, there are also companies and fishermen who are offering direct sales or delivery options within their communities so please take advantage of this chance to buy some incredibly fresh local fish or shellfish. Lastly, there are also many restaurants who are offering takeout menus or delivery, providing a good option as well.
At Eating with the Ecosystem, we had been planning some fun local seafood events for you this spring including bringing back some of our local seafood cooking classes however, in light of the current situation these activities have been postponed. However, while hunkered down at home many of us have more free time to cook meals and learn new skills. If you need reading material or inspiration, we suggest Simmering the Sea, our local seafood cookbook! It not only includes delicious recipes for many of our favorite less well-known local seafood species but also includes beautiful illustrations and fun profiles written from the perspective of the fish, shellfish, or seaweed so that you also learn about them and their role in the ecosystem. In the meantime, Eating with the Ecosystem will be working to share recipes with you via New England Seafoodies and our other social media channels and we will make ourselves available to answer your local seafood questions.
Stay safe everyone and support each other!